As there had been random arrests of people whom the government is alleging and linking to the 26th November 2023 failed coup, many Sierra Leoneans had fled the countries because of unreasonable and politically undermined accusations. Many are alleged because of their relationship to the former president and members of the oppositions and others are because of the constant criticism of the government actions which they deem to be undemocratic and patriotic.

This developing trend has increased in a way that a popular Civil, human rights activist or defender, Ibrahim Sorie Dumbuya the Executive director of League of Democracy Advocates (LoDA) had been attacked by political hoodlums, his house was said to be vandalized and property carted away with those hoodlums. Ibrahim Sorie Dumbuya who many believe to have a critical voice are always victimized by the Bio’s government in a pursuit to silent his critical voice for defending the constitution and areas of human rights.

As our investigation continues, we are yet to reach on to the victim and his family to assess the severity of the incidents, all calls made to his phone proved futile. There are serious concerns as to his whereabouts with his family, these concerns are also within his family, especially when two of his elder brothers were seriously beaten, arrested and declared wanted as participants to the 26th November failed coup.

As the treason trial continues, many who are for one reason not even connected to the trials had been unlawfully detained, some are being killed whilst some are on the run.

For the case of Ibrahim Sorie Dumbuya, the majority believe that his accusations and political victimizations are coming from his uncompromised position as a human write defender, and writer, mostly on issues that are against the government, his voice and pen always serve as an evidence base reference, and his critical roles are always exalted by many local and international organization.

An effort was made to reach the police about any report of the incident, but the police through their communication wing said that they had no records of it, though the Police spokesperson confirmed to us that he knew about the issues through local newspapers, in a moment, he expressed sympathy, as he hopes that Ibrahim Sorie is well and hearty with his family and also he assures us that they will do all necessary efforts to reach him and his family to know his whereabouts with his family and present situations. This development many have criticized that this kind of unfolding development is not good for Sierra Leone and its democracy.

As our investigation continues, we will put all reasonable effort access and hear from the victim and his family as we have gathered information from the neighbors that witnessed the incidents of his house being vandalized by political hoodlums believe to be sent by politicians very close to the presidency.

See more on our next edition of this story.


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